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Creating an Organization

Create a New Organization

In this step, you’ll set up your organization name and choose the currency for your events.

*You can create as many organizations as you like, all linked to the same email. Each organization can host unlimited events.

In this article:

1. Create Your Organization

Once you've logged into the 7am panel, go to the left-hand menu and click the 'Create Organisation' button to get started.


2. Add Organization Name

Type the name of your organization. This will be displayed alongside your events.


3. Add Organization Currency

Select the currency in which you want to sell your tickets. Please note that the currency setting cannot be changed once you begin selling tickets.


Click the ‘Create Organization' button to finalize. You’re now one step closer to creating an event and selling tickets.


ℹ️ After creating your organization, you'll be ready to add your organization’s basic info.


Can I change the currency later after creating the organization?

Yes, you can edit the currency settings in the organization's preferences as long as no tickets have been sold.

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