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Creating Benefits

Delete Benefit

This feature lets organizers quickly remove unneeded ticket benefits, whether updating offerings or clearing out old ones.

In this article:

1. Delete Benefit

In the left-hand menu, click on 'Apps'.


Click on the ‘7am Benefits App’ to open it.


Find and click on the benefit you want to remove, then click the trash icon to delete it.


To confirm, click the red "Yes, sure" button. The benefit will be automatically deleted.



Is there a way to undo a benefit deletion?

No, once you delete a benefit, it’s gone for good. So make sure you’re sure before moving forward!

What if I just want to edit the benefit, not delete it?

No problem! You can easily edit your benefits in the 7am Benefits App without deleting it.

How do I know the benefit was deleted?

After you click "Yes, sure", the benefit will disappear from the list, letting you know it’s been successfully removed.

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