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Access Event Reports

1. Access Event Reports

Head to the sidebar menu and click ‘Reports’ to open the reports section.


In the drop-down menu at the top, select the event for which you want to view reports from the event list.


Total Revenue

The total amount of money collected from ticket sales before deductions like fees or commissions.

Payment Fees

The payment provider charges fees, like credit card processing fees, to process payments. These fees are sent directly to the payment provider at the point of transaction.

Organizer Commission

This is a rebate that 7am gives to the event organizer for using our service. The rebate amount depends on the ticket price. Contact support@7am.io to see what rebate you can expect from your event.

7am Fees

This is the booking fee that 7am charges for using our service. The fee is also dependent on the ticket price and is paid by the ticket buyer.


Ticket Stock

The total number of tickets available for sale for your event.


The number of tickets still available for purchase.


The total number of tickets that have been sold so far (including gifted tickets).

Checkout Locked

Indicates how many tickets are reserved during the checkout process, meaning they’re temporarily unavailable while the purchase is being completed.


Live Data

Real-time data on current ticket sales, including ongoing transactions and reservations.

Open Carts

The number of shopping carts currently open means customers have selected tickets but haven’t completed the purchase yet.

In Checkout

The number of transactions currently in the checkout process.

Average Tickets Per User

The average number of tickets purchased by each user.

Pending Orders Value

The total value of orders that are still pending and haven’t been completed or paid yet.


Historical Data

This tool displays historical data on sales, traffic, and user behavior. You can select a period (Week, Month, or three Months), and the graph will update based on your choice.


The number of visits and activity on your event’s page.


The total number of purchase orders made.


Page View

The number of times users have viewed your event page.

Start Checkout

The number of times users have started the checkout process.

Add to Cart

The number of times users have added tickets to their shopping cart.

Ticket Detail Page

The number of clicks on a specific ticket, where ticket information is shown.

Save Personal Data

The number of users who have saved their personal information during the checkout process.

Finish Payment

The number of completed purchases where payment was successfully processed.

Checkout Expired

The number of transactions where the checkout process expired before completion.

Finish Checkout

The number of transactions that were fully completed, including payment.

By clicking on any metric, you can toggle it on or off in the graph, letting you focus on the specific performance metrics that matter most.



The number and percentage of actions taken from mobile devices


The number and percentage of actions taken from desktop computers.


Ticket Sales

The total number of tickets sold or gifted.


The number of tickets purchased.


The number of tickets that were gifted by buyers to other users.


The number of tickets that are still in the process of being purchased or awaiting confirmation.


Payment Provider

The payment service provider used to process ticket purchases.


Most Successful Tickets

The best-selling tickets, in order from highest to lowest.



How can I track my event in real-time?

Go to ‘Reports’, pick your event, and instantly see ticket sales, traffic, and live transactions to stay updated on your event’s performance.

Can I focus on specific data like sales or traffic?

Yes! You can toggle metrics on or off to view key details like revenue, ticket sales, and user activity, helping you focus on what matters most.